Mac encrypted zip archive
Mac encrypted zip archive

  1. #Mac encrypted zip archive how to
  2. #Mac encrypted zip archive for mac
  3. #Mac encrypted zip archive archive

After this, your file is password protected. Then, drag the folder with the files you want to encrypt into the Terminal window. Open it up and type in the following command: zip -e /Desktop/

mac encrypted zip archive

#Mac encrypted zip archive for mac

Mac OS X (Option 1) There are two different methods for Mac users.

#Mac encrypted zip archive how to

A box will appear, in this you have to type the password and click ok. Here's how to do it in both Mac OS X and Windows. You have to click on the right button and select WinRAR > Add to archives. set suffix to 1 set theFileExists to true repeat while theFileExists try set archiveFile to ((container of (item 1 of input) as Unicode text) & archiveFileName) if exists file archiveFile then set archiveFileName to archiveName & suffix & ".zip" set suffix to suffix + 1 else set theFileExists to false end if end try end repeat end tell set itemStr to "" repeat with thisItem in input set itemPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of thisItem) tell application "Finder" set parentFolder to POSIX path of (container of thisItem as alias) set itemName to name of thisItem set itemStr to itemStr & quoted form of itemName & " " end tell end repeat if (the last character of itemStr is " ") then set itemStr to characters 1 thru ((length of itemStr) - 1) of itemStr as string set zipFile to quoted form of POSIX path of (parentFolder & archiveFileName) set cmd to "cd " & quoted form of parentFolder & " zip -P " & passwd & " -r " & zipFile & " " & itemStr & " -x *. To encrypt a zip file, you have to follow the steps: You have to select the files you want encrypted.

mac encrypted zip archive

Choose the encryption method from this pop-up button. This is the name that appears in the Finder, where you save the disk image file before. Enter a filename for the disk image, add tags if necessary, then choose where to save it. Type in the password you want to use to protect the files. Next, you'll be prompted with a password prompt. In my example that would be zip -er ForTaxes/. Choose File > New Image, then choose Image from device name. Now type in the command that will simultaneously compress and password protect the files in the form of zip -er FILESorFOLDERStoCOMPRESS.

#Mac encrypted zip archive archive

That archive can be encrypted and protected with a password. On run default button "OK" with hidden answer) end tell end repeat set archiveName to text returned of dialogResults tell application "Finder" set archiveFileName to archiveName & ".zip" - Append on a number if file exists. Encryption method: Some formats (7-zip, zip, rar) can be encrypted. In the Disk Utility app on your Mac, select a disk, volume, or connected device in the sidebar. 7-Zip, like WinZip, creates a container called archive that holds the files to be protected.

Mac encrypted zip archive